Working At Playing! And, Playing At Work!

So, this is where I play and where I work. I do both hard! Because, it’s easier for me to keep busy and work hard. Do I play? Hardly! PIMP LOL. I do it by finding the whoas in the woes. Jus’ my li’l corner of this big ol’ world to shine a light. And, that keeps me real busy because, sometimes, it’s hard to find those whoas in the woes and shine a li’l light in that dark! So, work with me here and stop by our music website: It has my blog and albums and other stuff there, too. That would so whoa me! And, light me up! But, it’s not just about me. Sam works hard and plays hard on music in here, too. And, our girl. And, many many others along our life's rocky road. Hope you have a whoa weekend and not a woe is me. Work hard at playing! Signed, The Player In The Worker

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