"ACTING UP! APPAULING or APPEALING!" I was looking something up in Acts, once again realizing anew how many lives were changed in these chapters of time thru many brave and faithful like Peter, Stephen and Saul big time. A magic man named Simon who wanted to buy the power of God changed his life. So many acts before Saul became Paul on the road to Damascus and on to Straight Street were um appauling. PIMP LOL. Point is? We all do appauling things before and after our faith is placed in God. I have traces of those. DUH LOL. Anyways, $ cant buy that faith or love. We get our acts togetha by acting on and sharing our faith by acts of love. His power in us will straighten us out, get us on the right road and on to our own Straight Street. On the way, we can make a difference. Have a fun day. Act up a li'l. I do! While, I'm getting my acts togetha. BTW, I always thought Straight Street would be a great name for a band, but I wrote a song called Straight Street instead because we have a name. Just thought Id straighten that out. 2nd BTW, this time of year seems to bring out the appauling. So, act appropriately appealing. Being able to give our ap"paul"ing to God is appealing to me. Signed, Traces Of Appauling Being Replaced By His Calling

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