"AVEILABLE or AVAILABLE! IN SURE-ROUND SOUND" What? Well, if I am able I avail. I give it my all. If something aveils me, like there’s a veil over my able? A veil over my mind? That’s when I pray and try harder. Until it doesn’t aveil me. And, I am available. For whatever. Same with people. If I am able, I def will avail. Give my all to be available. Sometimes we put a veil over us to shroud the fact that we don’t want to be available. We don’t want to get out of our comfortABLE zone so we put on a veil and say we're unaveilable. But, God and others are able to see through that veil. Everyone's able to avail comfort. So, am I gonna be aveilable or available? This does not avail me. I know what I’m gonna do. I am able. By the grace of God. Which is available to all. In and out of the comfortable zone. To the Abels, Mabels and Cains. With God, all things are able. But, all things are not comfort-able. Speaking of ables and possibles? I surround myself with people who know stuff, so I learn. My surround sound blasts singers that know their stuff and pull me into my impossibles, so I learn. I am sure and well rounded, "sure-rounded", if only because I am surrounded by God. I know better to better myself, yet not be better than anyone. Sometimes, life is improv. But, always, it is improve. Just a li'l sure-round soundoff. With God, and sometimes others, we are able and can. Signed, Avail If Able, A Veil If Cain

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